Sanitation Wall Unit and Sanitation Pod (empty). I had a lot of problems with Maya's normal and AO maps from its Transfer Mapping. I'll have to fix those later.
The sanitation pod has a transparent door area, however, there is no interior model at this time. Only the wall unit has diffuse, normals, specular, and AO applied to it. The center pod has only a diffuse map applied so far.
2 models: wall unit and pod. Click image to enlarge.
Texture details. Click image to enlarge.
Texture details. Click image to enlarge.
Texture Maps (2048x2048)
Maya 2011 seems to have trouble making useable normal and AO transfer maps.
Diffuse Map for the wall unit. There is a color palette along the top.
Wall Unit: This is the original AO map that Maya 2011 created for me...worthless.
Wall Unit: I used the bad normal map (with orange areas) with a hand painted normal map over it.
Wall Unit: This is the AO map I painted and used instead of Maya - takes too much time to make these.
Wall Unit: Specular map with a touch of green.
Sanitation Pod: Diffuse map.
Sanitation Pod: simple transparency map for the front door area of the pod.
I haven't finished hand painting the normals and AO maps for the pod model (since Maya's maps will not work). After those are complete, I can quickly make the specular map for this model.